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WPSA is present at

  • 8-11 May, International Poultry Congress 2024, Turkey
  • 24-28 June, European Poultry Congress, Valencia, Spain
  • 2-3 October, Poultry Africa, Kigali, Rwanda



Info over IPHF 2016

IPHF recipients 2016

Paul Hocking

Dr Paul Hocking joined the Poultry Research Centre (PRC) in Edinburgh in 1983 after working in the cattle breeding industry and short periods of teaching and research in both England and Canada. The PRC subsequently became the Roslin Institute and part of the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies at the University of Edinburgh in 2008 when he was appointed Reader.

Avigdor Cahaner

Avigdor Cahaner obtained his PhD in Genetics and Breeding at the Faculty of Agriculture of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in 1977. In 1979, after 2 years as a Postdoctoral fellow at the Avian Sciences Dept. of the University of California at Davis, he started to work at the Faculty of Agriculture as a Lecturer and researcher in poultry genetics and breeding. Later he was promoted to the ranks...

Changxin Wu

Professor Changxin Wu graduated from Beijing Agricultural University with a major in Animal Science in 1957, and has been a faculty member of the university (now called China Agricultural University) since then. He did his further study on animal genetics and breeding at Institute of Animal Genetics, Edinburgh University, Scotland, U.K. (1979-1981). After returning to the home school, he was promo...

Henry Classen

Henry Classen completed a B.S.A. at the University of Saskatchewan (1971) and pursued graduate studies at the University of Massachusetts (M.S. 1974, Ph.D. 1977). In 1978, he returned to Saskatchewan as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Animal and Poultry Science, became a tenured Professor in 1986, and served as Department Head from 2006-2011. In 2013, Dr Classen was named a Distinguish...

Eddy Decuypere

Professor E. Decuypere obtained his master in zoology in 1969, his master in agronomy in 1972 and his PhD in agricultural sciences in 1979. Meanwhile he was working from 1974-1977 in Rwanda as responsible for agricultural practice and applied research in a developmental project.


IPWA - Training Modules

The International Poultry Welfare Alliance introduces Cutting-Edge Educational Training Modules in partnership with The center for the Optimization of Poultry. Download the News Release.

2024 WVEPAH Courses

The World Veterinary Education in Production Animal Health (WVEPAH) organization organizes several new courses in 2024.      Also courses in French and Spanish are offered. Click her...

Two new Courses organised by Wageningen Academy

 Wageningen Academy, part of Wageningen University & Research, is organising two poultry courses: 29-31 May 2024: Challenges in today's poultry nutrition 18-19  June 2024: Course Incubation Bioloy...

Video ESPN 2023

As Organising Secretariat we want to thank all who attended the 23rd European Symposium on poultry nutrition held in Rimini. 🎥 We hope you enjoy this amazing video! Martino Cassandro Massimiliano Pe...

Meyn launches new Physic In-Line Thigh Deboner M1.0

Meyn introduces the new Physic In-Line Thigh Deboner M1.0 in response to the growing popularity of dark meat chicken In many markets around the world, deboned thigh meat is realizing higher retail va...

WPSA Pakistan - October 2023 Newsletter

Download here the WPSA Pakistan October 2023 Newsletter

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Video ESPN 2023

As Organising Secretariat we want to thank all who attended the 23rd European Symposium on poultry nutrition held in Rimini. 🎥 We hope you enjoy this amazing video! Martino Cassandro Massimiliano Pe...

Meyn launches new Physic In-Line Thigh Deboner M1.0

Meyn introduces the new Physic In-Line Thigh Deboner M1.0 in response to the growing popularity of dark meat chicken In many markets around the world, deboned thigh meat is realizing higher retail va...

WPSA Pakistan - October 2023 Newsletter

Download here the WPSA Pakistan October 2023 Newsletter

New Chairman WG1 - Economics

In the second week of May 2023 Working Group 1 (Economics) of the European Federation had a meeting in Helsinki.At this meeting the chairman, Peter van Horne, resigned. Peter was for more than 15 year...

2023 World Poultry Day

May 10, 2023 World Poultry Day In August 2012, the Hungarian initiative was supported by two world organizations operating in this field (WPSA, IPC), so May 10th is World Poultry Day every year. The...

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The International Network for Family Poultry Development (INFPD) is an independent and voluntary association supported by the Animal Production and Health Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). It has become an active Working Group of the World’s Poultry Science Association (WPSA) in September 2002.

The International Network for Family Poultry Development is an information exchange network with the main objective to encourage sustainable production of the family poultry sub-sector. Thus, it plays a vital role to facilitate income generation, alleviate poverty, improve family nutritional standards and substantially contribute to global food security.

The key activities to achieving the goal of the Network are collecting and sharing data and information regarding family poultry production systems in the different regions of the globe.

Information is disseminated through the trilingual (English, French and Spanish) journal, Family Poultry Communications (FPC), which is a peer-reviewed scientific publication produced twice a year and distributed electronically to members.

Volume 28, Number 1&2, December 2019

Volume 27, Number 1&2, December 2018

Volume 26, Number 1&2, December 2017

Volume 25, Number 1&2, December 2016




Droit d’accès et distribution du World’s Poultry Science Journal - avis important aux souscripteurs

En raison des très importants coûts d’impression et de distribution des exemplaires imprimés des journaux ainsi que de considérations sur l’environnement, le Bureau a décidé que, à partir du mois de juin 2013, tous les membres ne disposeront plus que de l’accès « en ligne » au Journal et que la WPSA cessera de fournir les documents imprimés sauf pour des membres, à titre individuel, qui auraient demandé spécifiquement (par écrit ou par email) de conserver un exemplaire imprimé. Bien que l’on ne prévoie pas de frais supplémentaires pour l’exemplaire imprimé, nous serions reconnaissants à tous les membres s’ils pouvaient considérer les coûts supplémentaires pour la WPSA et garder à l’esprit les considérations environnementales lorsqu’ils choisiront la présentation du journal qu’ils souhaitent recevoir. Les réductions de coûts du journal feront que le Bureau disposera de plus de fonds à investir dans d’autres domaines essentiels tels que les bourses de voyage et le bureau des conférenciers
Il est possible de demander un exemplaire imprimé en remplissant le formulaire du site web (, en envoyant un e-mail à ou à votre secrétaire de branche.

Elektronischer Zugang und Versand des World’s Poultry Science Journal – wichtige Information für Bezieher

Als Reaktion auf steigende Druck- und Versandkosten und als Beitrag zur Schonung der Umwelt hat der WPSA-Vorstand beschlossen, ab Juni 2013 allen Mitgliedern nur noch den Online-Zugang zum Journal anzubieten, sofern sie nicht schriftlich (per Brief oder E-Mail) mitteilen, dass sie weiterhin ein gedrucktes Exemplar wünschen. Es ist zwar nicht geplant, höhere Beiträge für die gedruckte Fassung zu berechnen, hoffen aber auf die Einsicht und Mithilfe aller Mitglieder, um das Budget der WPSA und die Umwelt nicht unnötig zu belasten. Durch Verringerung der Druck- und Versandkosten kann der Vorstand mehr in andere wichtige Projekte wie z.B. Erstattung von Reisekosten und Referenten für die Teilnahme an WPSA-Veranstaltungen investieren.
Der Bezug des Journals in gedruckter Form kann über die Website (, E-Mail an oder den jeweiligen Sekretär der Branch beantragt werden.

Доступ и рассылка журнала World’s Poultry Science Journal – важная информация для подписчиков

Ввиду очень высокой стоимости печати и рассылки напечатанных копий журнала, а также с учетом экологических факторов, Совет журнала принял решение, что с июня 2013 все члены ВНАП будут иметь доступ только к электронной версии журнала с сайта ВНАП. Это позволит снизить финансовые затраты на производство и рассылку печатных копий. Если же индивидуальный  член ВНАП желает продолжать получать журнал в печатном виде, он должен будет обратиться с соответствующим запросом (письмом или по электронной почте), чтобы продолжать получать печатную копию журнала. Поскольку не планируются дополнительные средства на получение печатных копий журнала, мы были бы признательны, если бы члены ВНАП имели в виду сложность поиска ВНАП дополнительных расходов на печать и рассылку и взвешенно подходили при выборе формата журнала, с которым они хотели бы иметь дело. Сокращение расходов на производство журнала позволило бы Совету более рационально использовать имеющиеся средства на другие важные цели, такие как выделение грантов на поездки специалистов и для бюро приглашенных докладчиков.
Заявка на продолжение получения печатной копии может быть оставлена путем заполнения формы, имеющейся на сайте ВНАП ( или путем отправления заявки на адрес или непосредственно Секретарю Вашего национальнoго отделения.

Acceso y distribución del World’s Poultry Science Journal – importante noticia para los subscriptores

Debido a los muy elevados costes de impresion y distribución de las copias impresas de la revista, al mismo tiempo que por consideraciones ambientales, el Comité Editorial ha decidido que, a partir de Junio del 2013 todos los miembros solo tendrán acceso online al Journal y que la WPSA dejará de proporcionar copias impresas, a excepción de a aquellos miembros individuales que lo hayan solicitado específicamente (por escrito o email). Aunque no habrá ningún cargo extra por el hecho de recibir la revista impresa, agradeceremos que todos los miembros piensen en los costes extra para la WPSA,así como que tengan presente las consideraciones ambientales cuando decidan en formato del Journal que desean recibir. Las reducciones de costes del Journal pueden significar que el Comité disponga de más fondos para gastar en otras áreas esenciales, como ayudas en gastos de viaje y el speakers bureau.
Una copia impresa puede solicitarse llenando un formulario en la website ( o enviando un e-mail a o al Secretario de su Rama.





WPSA membership

WPSA membership

There are two types of membership - National Branch and...

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Membership application form

Membership application form

Download here the membership application form. Return the...

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Newsletter subscription form

The WPSA Newsletter is published four times per...

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WPS Journal  - login

WPS Journal - login

The contents of the Journal (including the Archives going...

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