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The presentation of an award in the form of a gold medal (40 mm/1½ inches in diameter) was instituted by the World's Poultry Science Association during the meeting of the XIIth World's Poultry Congress in Australia. The purpose of the award is to acknowledge the meritorious service of a member of the Association. The award is to be known as the Macdougall Award in honour of the long and faithful service of Major Ian Macdougall. The first Award was presented to Major Macdougall during the final Plenary Session of the XIIth World's Poultry Congress in Sydney, Australia. World's Poultry Science Journal (1962) 18: 371.

Macdougall Medal


Selection Procedure

Past members of the Board and past and current branch officers and members of the WPSJ editorial board who have contributed to worldwide activities of the Association are eligible for nomination for this Award. As compared to the International Poultry Hall of Fame, the Macdougall award is meant to acknowledge an exceptional service to the Association, with a duration of at least 8 years, and not only a brilliant contribution to poultry science or industry.
Branches can propose the name of candidates to the Board, and members of the Board can also identify candidates after consulting with branch Secretaries. Proposals should be collected no later than 6 months before the coming WPC. For the final selection process, not more than three candidates should be proposed at each World’s Poultry Congress. Priority will be given to nominees who served for a longer time and occupied at least one position at an international level. The final short list will be submitted by the Board to branch Secretaries one month before the coming WPC with an history of the pre-selection process. The names of the nominees will remain confidential and confidentiality must be maintained throughout the nomination and selection process.
The decision will be taken after a secret ballot of Board members, with a single voting sequence, taking place at the Board meeting preceding the opening ceremony of the WPC. The candidate receiving the greatest number of votes will be declared winner. In the case of an equal number of votes, the Executive Committee of the Board will take the decision. The name of the winner will be announced at the council meeting, before the election of the new Board.

Gold Sponsors